About me

Hi, I am Sarah

Manifestor Generator, Sacral authority, 5.1 profile

I am French and I am the happiest mum of a wonderful baby girl.

After changing my life and moving to New Zealand to live my dreams, I met Human Design totally by 'chance' which helps me to continue my deconditioning and fully accept myself. I have studied, trained and experimented Human Design ever since... It's an ongoing process. After coming back in France, facing the conditioning that I spent years to identify, I am creating my own rules and I am playing by my own book. I am invitating you to experience it too.

Human design gave me the best tool to be me, heal and create my dream life.. to be FREE.

I am here to share practical skills and universalise my knowledge by offering Readings of your Design. I am supporting you with your natural remedy and what the nature is offering us.

I am not telling you who you are, what to do, or where to go. Instead, I am providing you with the tools to empower you to live authentically, in full health, at your full potential and to become the creator of your life,

Hope you will enjoy this journey with me.

I am looking forward to sharing with you!